Coatings in the superheater area

Especially in waste- and biomass-incinerators, power plants and refuse derive fuel power plants, the superheater-surfaces are areas with high emaciation rates, caused by their position in the flue gas, the high tube-surface temperatures and the on-/off-line cleaning parameters. Therefore, the plant availability often depends on the achievable lifetime of the superheaters.

For the protection of superheater pipes the Häuser & Co GmbH offers a coating-method, specifically developed for this purpose, on basis of a thermally treated nickel-based plasma coating.

The heat treatment of the coated pipes leads to a pore-free, gas-tight and very even surface, where corrosion products have less chance to adhere and no chemical reaction with the ferritic basic material takes place. In addition, as well the wear resistance of the pipes is increased considerably by the coating.

In comparison to a "traditional weld layer", the Plasmasprayed coating-layer shows as well a metallurgical bond to substrate, but with it's standard thickness of ca. 0,8mm it has merely no negative effect on the heat-transfer.

This coating is applied as workshop-coating onto new tubes, using a automated coating-process for the preparation and coating of straight tubes.

We can process tubes of up to 14.000mm in length and as well apply several coating segments onto each tube. Bow- and welding-seem-areas will be coated after the bending process and after the serpentines are completed, to achieve and guarantee same coating-thickness and good quality on 360° of tube's circumference and on the total coating-length.