Coatings on sootblower pipes

Sootblowers and steam lances often show similar wearing rates as superheater elements. The lifetime of uncoated sootblowers and lances located in the flue gas can very often not be accommodated to the planned revision intermittents in many cases.

The Häuser & Co GmbH offers different metallic- and ceramic-based coatings for the protection of sootblowers.

Depending on customer's desire and application, we can coat the blowers before or after the nozzles have been welded in, offering a choice of Plasma, Light-arc or Laserspray.

The coating materials we use reach from the well-known Ni-base and our HS-alloys to high wear Fe-base-alloys and up to ceramic materials.

Ceramic coatings are sprayed gradedly with different layers in order to adjust the different coefficients of thermal expansion and to avoid microcracks in the coating.